by Innerglow Team | Nov 8, 2023
Navigating Difficult Relationships During The Holidays Holiday Stress: The holidays are approaching, and it is time to meet with family on these special dates, where there is music, food, and gifts. Of course, with this comes stress and anxiety since we want...
by Innerglow Team | Jun 7, 2023
Celebrating Pride Month Supporting LGBTQ+ Community Pride Month is a time of vibrant celebrations, reflection, and solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community worldwide. It commemorates the Stonewall riots of June 1969, a pivotal moment in the fight for LGBTQ+ rights. During...
by Innerglow Team | May 10, 2023
Mes de la Salud Mental ¿Sabía usted que Mayo es el Mes de la concientización de la Salud Mental? La concientización de la salud mental hace referencia y tiene como objetivo, parar el estigma que existe alrededor de la salud mental. Debido a factores como la cultura,...
by Innerglow Team | May 10, 2023
Mental Health Month Did you know May is Mental Health Awareness Month? Mental health awareness aims to stop the stigma that exists around mental health. Due to factors such as culture, religion, or social stigmas, many individuals are usually silent when they need...
by Innerglow Team | Apr 14, 2023
Conciencia ante el Estres Sabia que Abril es el mes Nacional de la Salud de las Minorias? El estado de nuestra salud mental puede afectar significativamente nuestra salud en general. Aunque los problemas de salud mental pueden afectar a todos, independientemente de...
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